Satisfaction is healing because... - The Free Life


When is comes to food, are you more:

Satisfed: Fulfilled of one’s needs and expectations or the pleasure derived from this


Deprived: Feeling the lack or denial of something considered to be a necessity
If you answered deprived, deprivation around food is felt and powerful in the diet binge cycle because even if you are eating and physically getting enough calories, your brain and body can perceive deprivation.

There are many different scenarios this can play out and I talk about them more in this Facebook Live training from this morning. Click here to watch. Â

Feeling Deprived

Skipping meals because you have already decided based on past behaviors that you will binge so you better save the calories now.

Grazing all day and never feeling true hunger then feeling full while having no clue how much or what you really ate all day.

Eating in a hurry or with distraction like your phone, tv, or computer on.

Regardless of the scenario, judgement is always involved. You are staying disconnect from your body and while the first bite may taste good there is no connection, no presence throughout the meal experience, and pleasure is not without judgement so it cannot be healing.

Feeling Satisfied

Satisfaction is going to be blocked when we judge the food.

Satisfaction is not going to happen if we feel we don’t deserve it until we lose weight.

Satisfaction won’t occur if we don’t know what are needs and expectations are.

Satisfaction happens when we allow pleasure. When we trust ourselves to have what tastes good and feels good without worrying about what happened yesterday or what is going to happen in the future.

Allow pleasure. Allow it with joy, presence, and love. You don’t have a willpower problem and it will be clear that you can trust your body and your body will begin to trust you again when you allow satisfaction and pleasure. It is healing. It is all encompassing and with it deprivation has no place.

The journey to self love, satisfaction, peace, and joy in life and with food is possible for every woman who wants it. The other side of this struggle opens up so many new possibilities in life you never knew could exist. it doesn’t matter your age or how long you have been struggling. If you KNOW feeling deprived leads to overeating. If you KNOW hating your body is not getting you the body you want. If you KNOW putting off life and happiness according to a number on the scale has only led to more unhappiness. Declare enough already and book a call to discuss your journey to living Your Free Life.

Feel Normal Around Food

Free Interactive 4 Day Course. Struggling with food does not need to be a lifelong issue. Discover how it is possible for you to feel normal around food.  

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