Blogs - The Free Life
Weight loss doesn’t cure negative body image

Weight loss doesn’t cure negative body image

Weight loss doesn't cure negative body image. We are all different. Some of us are happier at a certain weight then others. Loosing weight doesn't always cure negative body image. To decide that someone else has it easier because they are in a smaller size is not...

Quitting takes more energy

Quitting takes more energy

Quitting takes more energy. Think about how much energy you exert thinking about what not to eat and fighting the urges not to eat food. What would you do? Would you take bigger risks? Would you be farther in you career? Believing and having faith in yourself is...

The Power of Secrecy

The Power of Secrecy

If the thought of anyone finding out how you think, feel or act about food or your body scares you then this is for you! Life should be this fun exciting journey to learn about yourself. Everyone wants to feel at peace with themselves and it all start from...

What If You Loved A Food Craving

What If You Loved A Food Craving

What If You Loved A Food Craving? We just want to get rid of our food cravings so lets start flipping these ideas on their head and looking at them in a different way. Food cravings are not necessarily a bad thing. Lets start looking at things in a different light....

Raising Body Positive Daughters

Raising Body Positive Daughters

I believe there aren’t enough conversations between adults and children on the topics of bodies and food. These conversations are critical to have. If you feel uncomfortable talking about these topics, remember that every day your children are exposed to other con-...

Remove the Power From Food

Remove the Power From Food

REMOVING THE POWER FROM FOOD So many of us give food too much power. We think a healthy choice will lead to weight loss, or one unhealthy choice might cause cancer. We fail to listen to our bodies because we believe there is so much power behind every bite and every...

How To Withstand Peer Pressure

How To Withstand Peer Pressure

"Come on you have to try this dessert."   "Don't make me have dessert alone."   "I think we should splurge tonight."   "Are you sure you want to eat that? It is so bad for you."   There is a lot of noise in the diet world to completely overwhelm...

Feel Normal Around Food

Free Interactive 4 Day Course. Struggling with food does not need to be a lifelong issue. Discover how it is possible for you to feel normal around food.  

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